Good afternoon, urban eaters!

I hope this finds you eating well and enjoying the simple pleasures of life, including though not limited to the shade of a large tree, ice in your beverage, and finding a new favorite recipe that does not require turning on the oven.

We have been enjoying a few of those this week ourselves, including picking berries at Elderslie Farm, though have also taken time to ponder a bit on the coming weeks. I don’t know how many of you know this, but “Farmer Kim” for almost 40 hours a week is also known as “Mental Health Worker Kim”. That’s right. I have another job. No surprise there since many people in the food growing business usually have to take up another job to make ends meet. But this comes in the form of an explanation that many of us are working on striking a balance between the things we have to do and the things we love to do, between the things that support us and the things that drive us. I’m sure many of you reading this know of this teeter-totter feeling whether you have a second job or not. Honestly, it seems to be a pretty human feeling, one of which we can experience on so many levels. For example, I work hard to make my little farm feel and act as my true career despite depending on a sometimes rewarding (and many times stressful) day job. And within my farm I have to find a balance between weeding and helping the things currently in the ground survive, as well as prepare for and start new plants for the next season. And even further, within each plant family I have to both find solutions for pests and diseases that will support the healthy growth of a plant, as well as accept when something is a lost cause and put my efforts somewhere else.

Why am I telling you all this? Well, for one, I am trying hard this season to give insight to the farm and it’s beauty and it’s struggles without apologizing for the things I wish would have gone better or differently. So, in this same manner, I share with you that I will be taking a few weeks off from market. Don’t worry! I am still growing food and I am very excited to share with you after a few weeks all the bounty that is slowly growing and building at our place. I will take this time to prepare for the fall crops (already!), clean up the things that did and did not work this spring, and nurture the summer crops along so they can be bountiful after my few weeks away. I will also attend some out-of-town, weekend weddings and take a few moments to love on my family and friends.

I hope this finds you all in a place of needing reminded to find your own balance between nurturing your passions and attending to the things that are necessary and good. I’ll see you all in a couple weeks.

With all my foodie love,

Farmer Kim
Scrap Yard Urban Farm