Farm Talk

Recent News About the Farm


Long time no see, my fellow urban eaters! So, it’s been a while… and it’s hard to know what to say. But above all the other feelings I have about being absent from market this fall, the one that stands out the most is “I’VE MISSED YOU!” Seriously, it’s been one crazy growing year, and heck, I got married in the midst of it all (which was totally awesome and great, by the way)! But you have no idea how bummed I was to miss out seeing you guys week after week. Your...

Friday, October 28, 2016
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Greetings Urban Eaters, I’d say you are about due for an update of sorts. I vowed to keep you in the loop, and I have fallen behind on this duty. But I assure it is for a good reason. And though I wish that reason was because the farm had rebounded so completely from the flooding that it now requires lots of attention to it’s harvest and maitenance, it is something else entirely. Many of you have met my trusty “assistant” Joel at market, and those of you who are vendors have probably...

Friday, September 23, 2016
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Greetings Urban Eaters, Water is life to us farmers. Just last week at market I was talking with someone about the difference between using a soaker hose or a drip tape verses having a good rain. Plants aren’t fooled by our meek attempts to mimic rain. They respond immediately and distinctly different to a natural rain and reflect this by shooting skyward, stiffening their “backbones” and displaying their knack for speedy growth tenfold. Though sometimes, as many have experienced this year or last, this life-giving force can become the very thing that can...

Friday, September 09, 2016
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Greetings, Urban Eaters! It has been a week of dreams here at the farm. A few years ago, just having this farm was once a dream, and as this dream was realized, both through it’s successes and hardships, I continue to look forward and create new dreams for myself and for the farm. Sometimes these dreams are pure fantasy, like, “what would it be like to have a weed-free farm?” (dream on, Farmer Kim!) But some of them, though still pretty far out, feel a little more tangible, like, “some day I would...

Friday, August 26, 2016
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Dearest Urban Eaters, Scrap Yard Urban Farm will be PRESENT at the Kansas Grown Farmer’s Market this week! Wondered where we had gone for so long? So did we. Frankly, it’s been a hell of a summer and though we can’t quite pin down exactly what went wrong (most likely a combination of blossom drop, soil fertility issues, weed and pest pressure, and a stressed out farmer), we are slowly making things right again. For starters, the tomatoes and eggplant are finally setting more blooms, and the summer squash is beginning to pick...

Friday, August 05, 2016
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Good afternoon, urban eaters! I hope this finds you eating well and enjoying the simple pleasures of life, including though not limited to the shade of a large tree, ice in your beverage, and finding a new favorite recipe that does not require turning on the oven. We have been enjoying a few of those this week ourselves, including picking berries at Elderslie Farm, though have also taken time to ponder a bit on the coming weeks. I don’t know how many of you know this, but “Farmer Kim” for almost 40 hours...

Friday, June 24, 2016
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