Greetings, Urban Eaters!

It has been a week of dreams here at the farm. A few years ago, just having this farm was once a dream, and as this dream was realized, both through it’s successes and hardships, I continue to look forward and create new dreams for myself and for the farm. Sometimes these dreams are pure fantasy, like, “what would it be like to have a weed-free farm?” (dream on, Farmer Kim!) But some of them, though still pretty far out, feel a little more tangible, like, “some day I would like to own land and have an orchard and grow enough vegetables to last myself all year round, with plenty to sell or share with others.” This still feels a little way off, especially this year, with a lifetime’s worth of crop losses. But this week, for some reason, it is what is propelling me forward.

Though there are plenty of other things to assist in keeping me forward focused, and a few of them are pictured above! Our CHERRY TOMATO pints, with five varieties of colorful and flavor-rich gems, are kicking it up! But even with what I thought was a market’s worth of pints last week, these beauts sold out in a couple hours! So, come early for these sugar-sweet babes!

BASIL is still going strong and loving the mass cuttings we’ve been taking from it, shooting off tender leaves in all directions. We’ll have bunches of at least three varieties. Make sure to grab a bunch and make the bruschetta of your dreams come true!

We’ll have a couple handfuls of JALAPEÑOS as these hotties and their spicy friends start to take off, too. We should have lots more of these in the future, so start digging out your salsa recipes.

The EGGPLANT are also kicking it into high gear, though still are mostly growing babies. Some of you have mentioned that you are terrified of cooking with eggplant, so these smaller, less intimidating ones, are good first ones to try. We love them thinly sliced, sauteed until brown and added to our marinara sauces. Though these sweet babes are also great in baba ganoush, a roasted and pureed mediterranean dip very similar to hummus. Grab a couple and try something new this weekend!

To round things out, we will be toting the remainder of our GARLIC, a few bags of SQUASH BLOSSOMS for your stuffing pleasure, bunches of mint, and some fresh baby BOUQUETS to feast on with your eyes.

Here’s hoping to make your weekend cooking dreams come true! Come hungry!

So much foodie love,

Farmer Kim